“A painful and beautiful story. I now see that sin is worse, and the cross of Christ greater, than I had ever imagined. In fact, the cross is our only hope of resurrection.”
Kelly Monroe Kullburg, Veritas Forum
Ignore the doubters, skeptics, and experts about Rwanda and reconciliation after the 1994 genocide. Catherine Claire Larson has witnessed the same thing that I and a handful of other Westerners have, which is that everyday Rwandans who take the risk of biblical forgiveness soon experience new joy beyond human understanding. This book chronicles the miracle of forgiveness in a distinctive, evocative, and potent way.
Tim Morgan, Christianity Today
Catherine Claire Larson is a bright, talented writer who has given us one of the most moving tales of reconciliation in one of the most difficult places in the world. This is a book I can wholeheartedly endorse. Read this. It will strengthen your faith.
Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship
“Wow, this book … may be life-changing, may rattle your world.”
Steve Brown, Key Life Ministries
“…it’s a beautifully written, deeply touching, powerfully moving chronicle of lives once torn apart that are now on the path to restoration.”
Marcia Ford,