A Devotional Journal for Expectant Mothers
You prepare a room for baby, your body for labor, but how do you prepare your heart for motherhood? With devotions to take you through the nine months of your expectant journey, a developmental guide for each week of pregnancy, weekly prayer points and memory verses, and space to journal prayers, love notes, and memories for your little one, this beautiful journal will do just that: prepare you heart and soul for the high and holy calling of motherhood.
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What People are saying about the book

Brooke says…
“I have searched for the perfect pregnancy devotional and THIS IS IT!!! I’m blown away with how much I love it! This is my second pregnancy and I just love how each week incorporates the physical updates that are occurring with baby and myself, and then how the author relates those into ways I can pray for baby spiritually.”

Kelsey says…
…When I got pregnant with our son, I knew I needed something to help guide my heart towards God, rather than just focusing on preparing all the physical things that a baby needs. This book has been an answer to prayer!! The author weaves the physical things you experience as an expecting momma with spirituality somehow in such a beautiful way. It really points you back to the Lord, gently, and has helped me view the amazing spiritual side of pregnancy, that many of my mom friends don’t even think about!
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Watching in Wonder
Released March 2023